20 Unspoken Truths of a Designer

Down from the hills of he came, holding two large tablets inscribed with the words of the unspoken truths for all designers to echo….

Al Power 👨‍🎨
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2022


  1. 👀 Only share your work with relevant people — otherwise it’ll end up a shitshow of everyone giving their opinion.
  2. 🙋‍♀ Stop asking so many questions — but why? But why? But why? But why? Stop it. Just stop it. You’ll end up driving the rest of your team crazy. Do some work.
  3. ✌️ Keep your pixels even — no one wants to see a 5px corner radius, that’s insane.
  4. 😍 Always big up your work before sharing it — ‘I’m really excited about how this is looking’, even if you’re not.
  5. 👌 It doesn’t need to be pixel perfect – once it looks great and works right, it’s fine.
  6. 🧳 Judge people based on their skills — not based on their previous titles.
  7. 📇 Never name your layers — it’s time you’ll never get back.
  8. 🤫 You don’t always need to have an opinion — you butting in with a half hearted opinion will disrupt the balance of people with real opinions.
  9. 🖤 Always wear black clothes — it makes you look pensive.
  10. 🔁 Iteration is the spice of life — work in circles. Go forth, then go back, then forth once again.
  11. 🤨 Stop thinking your work is extremely important — there are people out there saving peoples lives. You move digital boxes around a digital screen.
  12. 🎉 Use your skills to spread joy — you’ve been given the ability in life to make people smile, use it.
  13. 🤬 If something is annoying you, tell someone — no one wants to see your depressed face draining the morale out of every meeting.
  14. 🐍 Watch out for hypocrites — stay away from people who constantly change their opinion based on who they’re talking to.
  15. 🥸 If you don’t know how to do something, blag— The art of blagging is a life lesson. Growth is important.
  16. 📚 Never use Lorem Ipsum — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Exactly.
  17. 😏 Don’t make the logo bigger if you don’t want to — fuck them, stand by what you believe in. Unless it’s the CEO asking, then make it bigger.
  18. 🫶 If someone asks you a question during a meeting, reply with ‘that’s a really good question’ they’ll feel great about themselves.
  19. 🧔‍♀️ Grow a beard —It makes you look really cool. Unless you’re female.
  20. 👉 Stop procrastinating — Especially reading this crap.

Now, go forth and rely the words of the unspoken truths.

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(P.S If you disagree with me, don’t worry.

